Monday, August 07, 2006

Shortly speaking:

-new pictures,
-new distro... ;)
-many new ideas...

I would try to write something about daily life of an emigrant in Scandinavia.

I live in Norway actually... After many years spent in Denmark...

I feel ready to share my observations and reflections on the subject of emigration. I think the subject will be even more alive now - while so many of people from so called "Wild East" left their homes lately to find the happiness outside their country of origin...

I hope someone from here will read it, too... Remember - only the people from outside can see the real "emperor's new clothes"... Sometimes it's worthy to look at known problems from another person's perspective...

That's all...

I want it to be a kind of tribute to my far away friends in Denmark - women who like me left everything in the search of love and happiness.

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